Barbara Maxwell, PT, DPT, MSc, Cert THE, FNAP
Professor & University Director of Interprofessional Education and Collaboration, A.T. Still University of Health Sciences

Dr. Barbara Maxwell is Professor and University Director of IPE & Collaboration at A.T. Still University of Health Sciences. Involved in interprofessional collaborative practice since the late 1980’s working with interprofessional teams in cardiac and stroke rehabilitation.She is active in the IPE world both nationally and internationally. As a member of the Global Research Interprofessional Network, and In-2-Theory. International organizations bringing together experts in the field to advance IPP, research, and theory generation. Serving on the Council of the National Academies of Practice, the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) and the World Coordinating Committee for IPE and Practice.


Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

What happens when your ideas come to life in practice? Do you really know what works, for whom, in which circumstances, in what respects, and why? This workshop presents a realist evaluation approach to increasing understanding of how interprofessional programs/interventions work in practice.