A Community-based Model of Interprofessional Service Learning to Improve the Overall Health and Wellness of Communities
In this workshop, presenters will describe how Rush University effectively used a community-based model of service learning to develop interprofessional learning environments for collaborative practice. Workshop participants should come prepared with a list of potential community engagement sites. Participants will develop and share implementation ideas of interprofessional service learning.
To promote learning and interaction, workshop participants should come prepared with a list of potential community engagement sites. Participants will develop and share implementation ideas of interprofessional service learning.
Service learning is an educational strategy that integrates facilitated community service, teaches civic responsibility, and strengthens community partnerships with the goal of improving the overall health and wellness of communities. This innovative collaborative practice opportunity for interprofessional student teams (IPST) is grounded in the unification of three complementary ideologies:
- Domains of interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPEC, 2011) that include teams and teamwork, communication, values and ethics, and roles and responsibilities;
- Tenets of the Institute of Patient-Family Centered Care, which mandate the planning and delivery of health care to integrate the knowledge, values, beliefs and cultural backgrounds of patients and families through person-centered care, shared decision-making and incorporated into the education of health professionals, (IPFCC, 1992); and
- Strategies for Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH, 1997) that employ the doctrines of social justice to deliver equitable health care.
Rush University implemented an Interprofessional Patient-Centered Teams course (IPE 502) across four colleges: Medicine, Graduate, Nursing, and Health Sciences. Interprofessional student teams were formed and remained intact during the year. The required, first year onsite course is a pass/no pass course and, is documented on student transcripts. IPE 502, currently in its second year, reflects the institutional strategic initiative and goal of promoting and expanding interprofessional and collaborative practice experiences for students.
Students from all four colleges acquire competency in interprofessional behaviors through experiential learning in interprofessional student teams. The course consists of six workshops with a “flipped classroom” experience and supportive didactic online content. Throughout the course, students engage with community volunteers living with one or more chronic diseases. Interprofessional student teams engage with their assigned community volunteer three separate times (Touch Points) to:
- Develop an action plan which is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART goal) through motivational interviewing focused on how the social determinants of health impact their community volunteers ability to improve their health outcomes and manage their chronic conditions
- Complete a community assessment based on the community volunteer description of their community and follow up on their SMART goal
- Develop a community advocacy proposal with their community volunteer to improve the health of individuals and their community
- Workshop participants should come prepared with a list of potential community engagement sites to use develop and share implementation
Workshop learning objectives
Participants will:
- Describe how ideologies support the essential framework for interprofessional service learning to promote collaborative practice opportunities
- Analyze strengths and barriers of Rush’s model and identify components for implementation of practical skills at their own institution
- Develop strategies/models as practical application to implement
Social Media: #IPE #IPEcurricularinnovation #communityengagement #servicelearning #collaborativepractice
Interprofessional Continuing Education
This activity has been planned and implemented by the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. In support of improving patient care, the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. The intent is to provide accreditation and continuing education credit for this workshop. For questions regarding continuing education, please email ipceapps@umn.edu.