Help! What Do I Do With My Data? Defining, Finding and Using Data To Support Your Interprofessional Program and Project [Short Course B]
Many people today are challenged with information systems and how to extract data to tell their story – it is happening in every sector of the United States. For individuals and teams implementing interprofessional practice and education, a key question is how does data help me demonstrate value. Other common questions we hear are:
- How do I determine what data to measure?
- Is my data considered a standardized measure?
- What standardized data can I access in the information systems?
- How do I get the data out of the information systems?
- What story can I tell with my data?
- How can my data help me locally?
This workshop is a hands-on introduction to interprofessional informatics. The workshop will introduce key concepts and highlight exemplars while providing concrete examples of local and nationally benefit. Attendees will learn how interprofessional informatics can be used to address critical questions in the clinical learning environment and guide decisions around care and care management.
Come with your questions and examples. Time will be dedicated to practical issues on how to use data in participants’ own work environments and provide opportunities for questions and consultations.
Learning objectives
- Introduce key concepts in interprofessional informatics and how they can be used to support interprofessional practice and education programs and projects
- Describe how data can be used to answer questions and support decision-making about interprofessional education and collaborative practice in clinical and community environments
- Discover potential applications of big data for your local interprofessional program and project by showcasing National Center and other exemplars and working through participant examples
Who should attend?
Increasingly, big data is used to understand trends to optimize care and improve health outcomes. This is an introductory course intended for anyone interested in understanding how to leverage their data to support decisions making, including clinicians, educators and administrators. This course may be of particular interest to:
- Health care and education collaborators exploring how to leverage big data to support solutions for interprofessional practice, education and scholarship
- Health care administrators and clinical professionals desiring to understand basic principles of big data science and how it can guide decisions around care and care management
- Individuals with an interest in learning more about interprofessional big data science and its role in advancing interprofessional practice and education
This course is a hands-on introduction to interprofessional informatics and big data science. We will introduce key concepts and highlight exemplars. Attendees will learn how interprofessional informatics can be used to address critical questions in the clinical learning environment and guide decisions around care and care management.
Suggested reading
Delaney, C., Weaver, C., Warren, J. Clancy, T., & Simpson, R. (Eds.) (2017). Big data enabled nursing. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
2018 Nursing Knowledge: Big Data Science Conference
Delaney, C., Kuziemsky, C., & Brandt, B. (2015). Intergrating informatics and interprofessional education and practice to drive healthcare transformation. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29 (6), 527-529.